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Linux-Based Operating System Development Using the Method Linux From Scratch

 The operating system is one of the most important components in any computer system. The operating system manages the use of computer hardware such as processors, memory, I/O devices, and storage media. In addition, the operating system also acts as a layer that connects computer hardware and software. Previous operating system continues to grow.

  One of the operating systems featured in this development is GNU/Linux. GNU/Linux is in the spotlight with very rapid development. This is possible because GNU/Linux adheres to the open source philosophy.

     Open source software provides 1 source code that users are free to use, study, distribute, and redevelop. Therefore, the development of the GNU/Linux operating system has experienced rapid growth. Operating system users.

    GNU/Linux are given the opportunity to build and develop operating systems to suit their individual needs. There are two methods that can be used. Remaster Method and Linux From Scratch (LFS). The difference is that Linux From Scratch builds an operating system from scratch, whereas Remaster builds or develops an existing Linux distribution.

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