A cable made of optical fiber that transmits data through light is known as a fiber optic (FO) cable.FO is renowned for its data transfer speed.Additionally, FO has a low attenuation and high bandwidth.Therefore, do not be surprised if numerous service providers, including Indosat, frequently present FO.Despite the numerous benefits of FO, its application comes with some drawbacks and challenges.One of them is whose FO cable has a high FO attenuation because it is more fragile than other transmission media.The FO cable's high attenuation is caused by numerous factors.Additionally, the issue that is frequently encountered is cable bending, which is followed by unsatisfactory or dirty ports and connectors and a poor FO connection.When connecting the FO trunk cable or making a new line, if the connection is bad, it usually happens.Therefore, there are a number of ways to avoid this. Source Jurnal Analysis of the Connection of Access Fiber Optic Cable...
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